book reviews

A Taste for Love was such a fun pride and Prejudice retelling and it made me hungry

A Taste for Love by Jennifer Yen

Rating: 4/5

Publication Date: February 2nd, 2021


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I received this for the publisher in exchange for a review. This does not affect my review which is unbiased and honest.

FIRST OF ALL. I FEEL BETRAYED THAT NOBODY TOLD ME THIS WAS LIKE A PRIDE AND PREJUDICE INSPIRED STORY. Once it clicked for me I just got so excited. I thought at first the first line in the book was just a funny thing BUT THE PARALLELS. BEAUTIFUL.

Anyway, this follows Liza, a high school senior who is just trying to make it through her last year. She wants to go to culinary school but her parents have different expectations, especially when her older sister is the golden child. Anyway, the annual baking competition her mother hosts is just around the corner… and naturally, her mother turns it into an elaborate matchmaking scheme. Cue drama and fun!

Anyway, I loved reading in Liza’s voice. She was naturally really funny and kind of relatable! I loved her passion for baking and reading about her aspirations. Also, I loved her friendship with Grace! It was just great to see a happy female friendship without like the whole miscommunication or jealousy trope.

It was great to see Ben and James interact with Liza and see how their friendship progressed, especially as drama went down. I loved seeing Liza’s relationship with her older sister as well. Pretty much all the relationships were just really great and fun to see!

Of course, the food descriptions throughout the book were perfect and made me so incredibly hungry even for desserts I don’t think I would actually enjoy personally.

The story itself was really fun and cute, though in the middle before the synopsis plot started it felt like the scenes were just there to fill space (though they made sense in hindsight, it just felt weird to have certain scenes as they happened?). I finished this book in like two sittings so it’s incredibly fast paced and easy to read!

I would recommend this to anyone who loves great friendships, cute relationships, all the drama, and Pride and Prejudice vibes. If you enjoy baking, incredible matchmaking schemes, soft and happy boys as well as misunderstood snarky boys, fun pop culture and literary references, and a sprinkle of funny embarrassing moments, definitely check this out!

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