wrap up

January Wrap Up

In the beginning of January, I was in Disney World and I actually finished books on my phone??? Very strange. I hate reading on my phone but it was the easiest to do when in the long lines! Anyway, I read 13 books in January! I read 5 ebooks, 3 audiobooks, and 5 physical books.… Continue reading January Wrap Up

wrap up

May Wrap-Up

I took an unintentional break from posting throughout May and it somehow ended up being one of my busiest reading months! I consumed so much media and I have zero idea if it'll happen again! I did a challenge where I read one book a day for a week and that DEFINITELY made this my… Continue reading May Wrap-Up

wrap up

2020 in review: Goals, Highlights, Favorites

While this year feels like the saddest, hardest year ever... I also had some really great moments! So not only am I going to share my favorite books of each month, I'm also going to share some of my highlights and whether or not I reached the goals I had set for the year! You… Continue reading 2020 in review: Goals, Highlights, Favorites

wrap up

Adventures in December

This month was a whirlwind of emotions for me personally. I had a lot going on but also I didn't actually DO that much? But, hey! I survived! ICYMI: Adventures in October and NovemberNovember Favorites (shoutouts)Muslim Shelf Space unboxingDisney book tagevermore original book tagNinth House audiobook review Books: Make Up Break Up by Lily Menon… Continue reading Adventures in December

wrap up

Adventures in October and November

So I forgot to post my October wrap up until halfway through November so I decided to just combine these two months because WHY NOT. OCTOBER: This month was...weird. I hit a really weird reading slump after reading Tower of Nero and it was just a weird struggle. On a good note, I posted this… Continue reading Adventures in October and November